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Fursuiting at BristolFurs meets

Fursuits are awesome, and we encourage you to fursuit at BristolFurs meets. There’s just a few things you outta know…

The fursuit walk

We aim to do a fursuit walk around the centre of Bristol at every meet, starting around 3pm and taking about an hour.

See the fursuit walk page for information on the routes and rules of the walk.

Storage and changing space

Be aware that there is limited space for storage and changing at The Boardroom.

A small side room is available for changing. You must use this room if you need to remove any items of regular clothing in order to put on or take off your fursuit.

Partial suits that don’t require removing clothes can be changed into in the main room or in the toilet.

Travel cases and other large bags can be stored on and under the signposted table at the top of the stairs or on the tables in the changing room.

All items are stored at the owners own risk.

General guidance

  • Take regular breaks. Don’t hesitate to remove the fursuit head or other accessories if necessary.
  • Stay hydrated. Suiting is hot work! Drink lots of water or isotonic drinks both whilst fursuiting and for an hour afterwards.
  • Be aware of your appendages. Tails, wings and other accessories are brilliant makeshift weapons for hitting people and things. Try to avoid doing that.
  • Recognise the signs of heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Be aware of headaches, dizziness, nausea, muscle cramps and an elevated heart rate. If you’re struggling with any of them, seek immediate assistance and alert a walk volunteer.
A visual guide to identifying heat exhaustion and heatstroke whilst in fursuit.
Credit: Just Fur The Weekend